Pale/Yellow skin?
Shortness of Breathe?
Weight loss?

Vitamin deficiencies and other nutritional deficiencies can majorly impact a number of your body’s key systems.  There is overwhelming evidence confirming that nutrient deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune function contributing to chronic disease process including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer’s.

Further, certain deficiencies can impact your body’s ability to fight off cancer (magnesium and vitamin D3, amongst others) and other diseases.

The Micronutrient test will reveal your deficiencies, and provide you with a measure of your cell-mediated immune system performance (Immunidex) for a wide range of vitamins and nutrients. 

After your test results come back in, one of our Naturopathic Doctors will meet with you to review your results and help you put together a gameplan (diet, supplementation, exercise, etc) to correct your deficiencies and bolster your strengths.

The Olive Leaf now has locations in Lawrenceville And Alpharetta. Call today to learn more about the options for natural wellness programs!

Call 404-997-9989